Wellness Services
Reiki Sessions from £40.00
Reiki is more beneficial if performed a few times, so I offer a discount for 3 sessions.
Unlike prescription medications, Reiki healing provides both physical and emotional help to bring a deep sense of calm and positivity and if used in pregnancy also to the unborn child.
Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful, non-invasive, hands off treatment that may help symptoms such as:
Pregnancy ailments
Low back pain
Morning sickness
High blood pressure
Plus, if you’re apprehensive and fearful about birth then reiki can help alleviate this through the deep relaxation, balance and confidence.
Closing The Bones Healing from £45.00
Closing the bones and womb healing massage is beneficial if performed a few times, so I offer a discount for 3 sessions.
I practice the South American healing of closing the bones which has a high emphasis on re-introducing warmth back into the body and sealing the body so as not to allow coldness to enter. Traditionally, mothers are told not to walk on the cold floor, to cover their heads and keep their chest and backs covered and only drink and eat foods that are warm in nature.
During pregnancy a woman’s hips gradually open and become wider and wider and post birth the Closing the Bones can help restore and close the pelvis to its original form.
This healing can take place in the comfort of your own home or in a private venue where we take a few moments to chat about your birth and your physical and emotional well-being, before I invite you for a womb and rebozo massage.
We begin with a warming oil on your belly and hip bones which i will massage using various hand techniques then gently use the rebozo scarves to rock and sift your pelvis, head, arms and feet before carefully wrapping the body with the scarves leaving you feeling cocooned. You will then be left to lay in deep reflection and relaxation as I sit and hold the space for you.
Rebozo massage is also particularly healing after the loss of a baby, a miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion, and/or to support women who suffer from anxiety, shock, trauma, or who feel overwhelmed or over-stimulated.
The massage also helps to mark major times of transition in a woman’s life (irrespective of whether she has given birth or not), such as young girls starting their period, reaching menopause or following hysterectomy – most women indicate to feel tremendous relief from period pains when receiving the massage on the first few days of their menstruation and around the menopause.
Peri to Post Menopause Wellness 1-to-1 – £100
Included in these classes
This 3 hour 121 workshop educates women aged 35 onwards about what happens during peri-menopause such as changes in our bodies and moods. The workshop will be tailored to your symptoms & needs and provides education on easy to implement strategies for age resilience, hormone therapy, lifestyle techniques (mindfulness, meditation and yoga), pelvic floor health, bone, heart and brain health and optimal health following hysterectomy.
Tween Menstruation Workshop – £30
Tweens Positive Period Workshop ( Menarche – the rite of passage into menstruation)
For girls, it can be a challenging time that they don’t fully understand and equally for the parent/carer to try and explain it.
If you’d like to learn more about about this rite of passage, then join our 4 hour workshop for girls and their parent/carer.
It’s a safe space to connect around conversations about the body, puberty, and menstruation.
I have designed the 3 hour workshop for girls to freely talk, engage and connect in a way that they will learn:
* About the anatomy of our reproductive organs and changes we go through during puberty
* What is the menstrual cycle and why our mood & energy might be different at various times of the month
* What period products are available and how each works
* Self care techniques as we phase through the seasons of our menstrual cycle.
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